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Hexagram 13 - Tong Ren









Hexagram 13 represents agreement and harmony between people and groups. Here is a gentle sincere humble and modest person seeking new connections. It's to your advantage to seek common ground on major issues, while respecting each others differences on minor issues. It advises us to build friendships and put our differences aside. We should seek common ground not only with people in our close circle but with everyone around the world regardless of country race and culture.  This is a good time to seek and connect with people or groups that share the same goal.








At the start there is nothing in the way to stop your success. Here we have the first attempts for a friendly connection without selfish intent. There is no need for secrecy. You are able to meet in public without fearing a scandal. Everyone is above board and open. Keep an open mind even if the outcome is unknown, there's nothing wrong with this. Don't exclude anyone. Open the door and let people in. This is a good time to make friends openly and without discrimination.



It would be selfish to limit your friendships only within your own culture, community or social circle.  It shows a narrow-mindedness and limited friendships with outsiders. Don't be a snob. Exclusive friendships will cause resentment. It's wrong to be biased in your choice of friends.



You've been unhappy for a long time. The I Ching alludes to a three year span. Here we have an atmosphere of mistrust and difficulty integrating into a community or group.  Fear of opposition or feelings of doubt and pessimism impedes your friendships.  Even though you are eager to have a close friendship the person you want is usually emotionally attached to someone else who is a strong opponent. Your fear of having to face hidden rivalry which is preventing you from taking action. You lack the courage to seek a partner and have a family or children. You prefer to play it safe. 



You're at an impasse. Instead of getting aggressive about it, you assess the situation and quickly correct yourself and consequently avoid making a mistake. You're in a predicament. Sometimes we have to discipline ourselves and act in a manner that is contrary to our feelings when necessary. Here the analogy of climbing a high wall is given to advise that's it's better to take the high road to avoid the drama and conflict.  It's to your advantage to avoid doing something controversial that might be disagreeable. If you act you'll start a battle and set yourself a trap. It's to your best interests to take a step back and reflect on the consequences of you act.



Here we have two like-minded people who resonate with each other and even though they are physically apart in their hearts they remain united. A connection  can be made after significant effort. It's going to be a bitter struggle filled with grief and sorrow and tears but it can end up in great joy. You have two powerful opponents who oppose this union from taking place. You need to collect yourself and defeat your opponents and make this connection happen.  You are usually strong but in this instance you are dealing with love. Once you succeed in meeting you'll laugh about it. You need to openly express your distress and sadness and together you can overcome the difficulties. You both want to connect and respond to each other but strong determined people with their own secret agendas are creating a blockage to this connection from happening. 



This is a hopeless case. Stop fretting. There's no emotional attachment here. You would like to be friends but there is no response. Be patient and wait for the right time to make a connection with like-minded people who have similar goals. The ultimate goal might not have been reached yet, but you are one step short of getting there.  You don't want to have regrets by starting something and there are disagreements. 

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