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Hexagram 17 - Sui








Hexagram 17 indicates progress and success from a synchronized set of movements where one movement follows another in a harmonious and satisfactory manner at the appropriate time and balanced with intervals of rest. There is excitement movement and pleasure. The analogy of  night following day and the sun rising in the East and setting in the West is given for hexagram 17. 


Following a sequence for performing a task and doing what feels right at the time brings success. Hexagram 17 is favourable because it embodies the four virtues of the I Ching philosophy; creativity, progress, advantage and persistence.


Hexagram 17 also describes how to be agreeable and give a good impression so as to have followers show allegiance to you. You should be prudent in selecting who to follow. There will always be opportunists wanting to profit and take advantage so it is wise to be involved only with virtuous people and let go of petty people.

When you show that you are loyal and committed people will follow. When you are pleasant and agreeable people will follow.


Hexagram 17 in romance represents love with conditions where partners need to understand their place within the relationship. There are certain terms and conditions.  They should not be with someone unless their needs and characters are compatible. They must be able to adapt and compromise. They should be pleasing to each other and willing to go at it for as long as it takes. They need to be ready to fully commit to the conditions of the relationship to be harmonious. They need to ask each other what they both want and whether they each have the qualities the other wants. You want to be with a partner who wants what you have to offer. You must be aware of your own and your partner’s needs and those needs must be met for it to succeed. 


Hexagram 17 in legal and business matter advises to follow the terms and conditions of the contract or agreement. 


Hexagram 17 unchanging means that things are satisfactory and in harmony with the times and all is favourable. Stick to a set routine follow the agreed upon conditions and terms and you will be rewarded. 






There is a change on who you choose to follow. 



Be cautious. Wait for the right person to follow. Here is a bittersweet situation of having to make the right decision between someone experienced and mature but who is far away and not available and someone younger and nearby but who is not a good match.



The right choice is made. A mature person who is close to you is an important and distinguished individual while the other person is small minded and insignificant. 



Be agreeable and stick to a planned agenda. Make your intentions known from the start in an open and sincere manner. Its important that your actions and performance are self evident so that you don’t need to explain yourself. You are a follower among an entourage of followers. You have a goal to achieve and seek favour from people of status. Make sure you follow the right person or your efforts will not be rewarded.



You want to choose a virtuous person to follow. Therefore your behaviour must be impeccable and you should be sincere and trustworthy. When we treat others with respect and honesty and keep our word then we can build mutual trust.  



It's advantageous to follow a leader who highly respects you and places you in an honoured position. Here is a scholar who is sincere and trustworthy and highly respected and who doesn't carelessly follow just anyone. If following someone has certain limitations and restrictions that bind and make you feel tied down and forces you to make sacrifices then its not rewarding. You prefer to be free to leave whenever you want.

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